Hey, what's up peoples !!!  Do you like my artwork ??  It's my life's work you know!!!  Just kidding !!  I'm only 12 years old. Only 3 years ago I discovered my artistic talent. Graffiti, or as you can call lettering, is my specialty. But that doesn't mean I can't do other stuff!!!

             I have also recieved lots of rewards.  In 4th grade my art was chosen out of my whole school to be displayed in my county's district school board. In 5th grade we went to an air force base for a feild trip. They held a poster contest, and I represented my school and  won 2nd place over all schools.  In 6th grade my school held a T-shirt contest and mine became our new school T-shirt. Now in 7th grade ( the grade I'm in now ), my drawing became our T-shirt of the play " Secret Garden". Also ( in seventh grade ) we had another T-shirt contest, but for BETA club. Artworks of mine have also been displayed in malls and state fairs. Ain't I so special !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                If you want to e-mail me, you can contact me at  kristelagentjk1@aol.com. I'll be ready to read your questions or requests of your name in Techo-Graffiti !!!!!
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